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Can anyone advertise on Worldwide Escort Guide?
Yes! Visit the Advertise page for more information about the advertising options we offer.
How can I advertise on this directory?
Placing an advert on Worldwide Escort Guide is very quick and easy. Visit the Advertise page and choose the right type of advert for you. Make your payment online using our safe and secure online credit card processer. When you have made your payment send us an email with your advert details (text & pictures). You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your advert is online, (usually within a few hours).
I do not have a website, can I still advertise with you?
Yes you can! We create a profile page for anyone without a website so clients will still have all of the information they need in order to arrange a date with you. (If you would like your own professional website in the future then visit: HottieTemplates.com).
What is the best type of advert to get for the most amount of traffic?
All of our paid adverts are designed to bring you large amounts of quality daily traffic. We have adverts from as little as €35 a month and adverts for €99 a month, obviously the more expensive adverts will bring you the most business.
How do I change my advert picture / text or contact details?
Contact us with the changes you want making and we will do this for you within 24 hours.
How long do I have to wait before my free text listing appears?
We aim to add new listings to the directory once a week but please allow up to 2 weeks to see your listing appear. Do not email us to let us know that you have submited a free listing because we will have already received your listing request - creating more emails for us to respond to will not get your listing online quicker! Paid adverts always take priority over free listings so if you want to be seen on our website immediately, purchase a photo advert and get your advert online within a few hours! If you do not want to spend money on our directory then please be patient.
I have waited for over 2 weeks and my free listing is still not appearing, why?
The most common reason for this would be because you have placed our banner at the bottom of a very long list of other banners and we do not feel that we will benefit from the link exchange with you. Another reason could be that the quality of your website is not of a high enough standard.
Why am I no longer listed on your directory?
We perform banner checks every 2 weeks, if our banner has been removed from your website without you having informed us then your listing will be permanantly removed from this directory.
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